
Sunday, November 4, 2007

How to connect with SQL database?

For connecting to SQL Database, you can directly write a connection string in the C# code like
SQLConnection sConn = new SQLConnection();

sConn="Data Source=xyz;Initial Catalog=myDtbase;User ID=sl;Password=sa"

But the proper way to do it is by adding the connection string in a web.config, for example


<add key="conn1String" value="Data Source=xyz;Initial Catalog=myDtbase;User ID=sl;Password=sa"/> </appSettings>

</configuration> <appsettings>
<add key="conn1String" value="Data Source=xyz;Initial Catalog=myDtbase;User ID=sl;Password=sa">
<add key="conn1String" value="Data Source=xyz;Initial Catalog=myDtbase;User ID=sl;Password=sa">

In C# code , just define

string connString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["conn1String"];

sConn =connString;

Data Source : has to be the complete machine name\SQLExpress

Initial Catalog : has to be the database name

User ID and Password : If you use other than windows authentication
If it is windows authentication, just give Integrated Security=SSPI;

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