
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How to automatically generate E-mails from your C# code?

Generating E-mails through C# code can be very helpful to users. They just need to click a button and boom, the information is sent on the e-mail to the required people. If you want to generate a normal E-mail without attachment, these are the steps you can write:-- 1. You need to include , using System.Web.Mail; 2. The code for sending e-mail is as follows, string userID = Environment.UserName.ToString(); MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); string windowsLogin = Environment.UserName.ToString(); string fromMsg =windowsLogin+@""; string toMsg = null ; toMsg = (string) ((Range)sheet.Cells[i,15]).Text; // In case of Excel Application "To field can take in any constant or user supplied value from Text box etc. message.To = toMsg.ToString(); message.From = fromMsg.ToString(); message.Body = "STATUS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED. PLEASE CHECK YOUR RESPECTIVE UPDATES FROM THE APPLICATION."; message.Subject=" STATUS CONFIRMED BY " + userID.ToUpper(); SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""; SmtpMail.Send(message); Console.WriteLine(“E-mail Has Been Sent successfully”);

You have to know your server name so that you can send an e-mail. For knowing this, go to your Outlook Express

Click on Tools --> Send/Receive --> Send/Receive Settings --> Define Send/Receive Groups --> Edit --> Account Properties -->

There you find Microsoft Exchange Server name written in General Tab

Also in Tools --> Options --> Mail Setup --> You can find Send/Receive Settings , this will take you to the same pop-up , Define Send/Receive Groups. In case you want to Email an attachment using C# , please read my another blog topic "Emailing Attachments ".

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel, How to sort rows in a worksheet?

It is very easy to sort rows using Microft.Office.Interop.Excel in a worksheet. PART I - SORTING BASED ON 1 OR 2 COLUMNS We can use the Sort method of the NamedRange object to sort the data in a worksheet. Just create a Range object i.e. Excel.Range sRng; Also, you already have a worksheet object, Worksheet SummSheet; Now assign Range to sRng , sRng = SummSheet.get_Range("A4","N" + rowNum);// here A4 is the starting cell and N"rowNum" is the ending cell Apply this sort method

sRng.Sort(sRng.Columns[1,System.Type.Missing],XlSortOrder.xlAscending, sRng.Columns[10,System.Type.Missing], System.Type.Missing,XlSortOrder.xlAscending,  System.Type.Missing,XlSortOrder.xlAscending,XlYesNoGuess.xlNo,System.Type.Missing,System.Type.Missing,XlSortOrientation.xlSortColumns,XlSortMethod.xlPinYin,XlSortDataOption.xlSortNormal,XlSortDataOption.xlSortNormal,XlSortDataOption.xlSortNormal);
In the above method we are sorting the rows as per 1st column .In case 1st column has same values the row will be sorted according to the 10th column. The Sorting Order is Ascending order. The same can be applied for Descending Order also. Only the SortOrder needs to be changed. PART II - SORTING BASED ON MORE THAN 2 COLUMNS In case you need to sort the rows based on more than 2 columns, we can implement ICOMPARABLE Interface's CompareTo method. We can have a class implement IComparable Interface and then re-define the CompareTo method. For e.g.

public class TryCompare:IComparable
 public string ID
   return Did;
   Did = value;
 public string QuanDiff
   return DQuanDiff;
   DQuanDiff = value;
 public string PriceDiff
   return DPriceDiff;
   DPriceDiff = value;

 public int CompareTo(object obj)
  TryCompare CompareObj =(TryCompare)obj;
  int compResults = this.ID.CompareTo(CompareObj.ID);
     return 0;
    else if(this.PriceDiff>CompareObj.PriceDiff)
     return 1;
    else if(this.PriceDiff<CompareObj.PriceDiff)
                  return -1;
   else if(this.QuanDiff>CompareObj.QuanDiff)
    return 1;
   else if(this.QuanDiff<CompareObj.QuanDiff)
               return -1;
  return compResults;

So in the example above , we are sorting based on 3 values. Now we just need to call , TryCompareObj.Sort(); This will solve all our sorting requirements.

To convert an INT into ASCII Char

Converting INTEGER into an ASCII char is very simple . In C# we dont need to do anything special, just type-cast the INT into a CHAR. int i = 65; char a = (char) i; Console.WriteLine("Result : "+a.toString()); Result : A Converting ASCII char into an INTEGER is also same way but vice versa.Type-casting CHAR into an INT. char a = 'A'; int i = (int) a; Console.WriteLine("Result : "+i.toString()); Result : 65